South Loop Project
Let's Connect KC
Momentum on the South Loop Project continues as the project team announces a fourth public meeting to present the results of the Environmental Assessment. The South Loop Project is poised to create a world-class, 5.5-acre urban park, which will serve as a vibrant community hub and a catalyst for economic development. Join the project team at the open-house meeting to explore the project vision, environmental impact, and alignment with Kansas City’s community goals.
Bridging the Divide
The South Loop Project is a sustainable urban park that will bring Kansas City together like never before, bridging Kansas City’s Central Business District and the Crossroads Arts District and linking adjacent communities.
Our Future Looks Bright
The community front yard for downtown, the South Loop will be a state-of-the-art destination park, designed as a full sensory experience for parkgoers of all ages, reshaping Kansas City.
Green With Envy
Taking inspiration from urban parks such as Dallas’ Klyde Warren Park, the South Loop creates a more sustainable Downtown with a commitment to prioritize pedestrians, cyclists, and multimodal transportation.
Fourth public meeting presented Environmental Assessment results
As the South Loop Project progressed, the team held a fourth public meeting to present the results of the Environmental Assessment (EA). The project partners completed an environmental study that investigated and identified improvements to connect city districts and transportation networks. Read more…
About the South Loop Project
The South Loop Project is a sustainable urban park over I-670 linking adjacent communities, and a collaborative effort led by Port KC, the Downtown Council of Kansas City, and Kansas City. This phase of the project includes formulating ideas for park programming, advancing the park concept through preliminary design, and conducting environmental analysis in line with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).