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Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the three project partners?
The South Loop Project is a collaboration between Port KC, the Downtown Council, and City of Kansas City.
What is the South Loop Project?
The South Loop Project is a sustainable urban park over a section of Interstate 670 (I-670) in downtown Kansas City, Missouri.
As a public green space and state-of-the-art urban park, the South Loop Project may include features such as accessible play spaces, a dog park, interactive public art, year-round programming and more. Public engagement is integral to the development of park programming, and throughout the process community members can weigh in and provide feedback.
Where is the project area?
The South Loop Project is two-fold: A proposed deck lid linking communities above ground and infrastructure improvements related to the interstate below ground.
The proposed deck lid on top of a section of I-670 extends over four blocks and includes Wyandotte Street, Baltimore Avenue, Main Street, Walnut Street, and Grand Boulevard. The project will also consider the existing interstate condition and infrastructure beneath the Kansas City Convention Center from Wyandotte Street west to Broadway Boulevard.
How is the South Loop Project incorporating sustainable practices?
Taking inspiration from urban parks such as Klyde Warren Park in Dallas, Texas, the South Loop Project intends to create a more sustainable downtown by improving air quality, reducing noise, implementing green infrastructure, and prioritizing pedestrians, cyclists and other forms of multimodal transportation.
Who is paying for the South Loop Project?
Project financing utilizes federal, state, local and private partnerships. A variety of options are under review for ongoing operations, maintenance and programming including the establishment of a non-profit entity.
What is the project timeline?
The project is in the initial phases of planning, which includes formulating ideas for park programming, advancing the park concept through preliminary design, and conducting environmental analysis in line with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A request for proposals for a contractor is tentatively scheduled to be released late summer 2023, with a goal completion date in 2026.
Who is the media contact?
For media requests, please contact Sherae Honeycutt, press secretary of Kansas City, by email at
South Loop Project Study Area